Salt Lake City, Utah

Industrial Plant Design






Industrial plant design Structural Steel RenderingIndustrial Plant Design

Industrial plant design begins with a process, represented on a flow sheet. We then begin to model the equipment required to process and convey the material. Our best results come when this process is conducted with all the stake holders intimately involved. At Ingenium Design we utilize “War Room” sessions where everyone has input at key points as the design and model evolves. This allows the team to make critical decisions early in the process.

This collective brain makes more intelligent decisions and works through the constraints of each discipline. This results in a superior layout early on, and allows the customer to fully understand what their facility will do and look like. This approach reduces changes during design, fabrication and construction, process creating serious savings for the customer. We love the results we are having from this process and are confident you will too. Once the 3D model or General Arrangements are complete and vetted, detailed engineering begins and construction documents generated.

Don’t keep doing things the old fashioned way, work with us and see how enjoyable the design process can really be.

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